Go for IPL . It is permanent not painful but very expensive.
Intense Pulse Light.Are electric facial hair removers good for sensitive skin?
Are you ok with pain?
There are 2 ways I'd suggest:
1. Wax. The down side....it will hurt, at least the first few times. BUT..it will get RID of the hair in a few SECONDS, and it will eventually grow back sparser and you'll get desensitized to the pain.
2. I have this thing called a Tweez-E. I use it for my brows in the center/ankle hair/the stray chin hairs I get here and there... ;) It's like a bunch of tweezers at the same time pulling out the hairs. It will also result in (eventually) causing hair to be sparse and desensitizing, but you can vary the amount you pluck at a time (if you don't want a suddenly BALD look like waxing)...but it takes longer and you have to have pain longer.
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